Diesel engine fire pump
Eouipment for fre fiohting, The national standard name of diesel engine fire pumpis "Enoineering dlesel engine fire oump set".and the national standerd model isXBCLo
Amono themls the head vlue, Ois the tiow value.xBcThe type dlesel engime tire pump setis the latest photoNatonal standardtorGB6245-2006Fre pump Pertormanc
Reaulrements and Test Methods".This series of products has a wde head and fow ranae. which can ful met the needs ofwarehouses. whan, alport, Petrochemica
industry, Power plant.
.Liguefled gas station, textile and other industrial and mining enterprises' fire-fighting water supply for varous occasions.
Diesel engine fire pump unit
The product has the characteristics of good star-up, strong overload capacity, compac structure, easy maintenance, simple use,and high degree of automation. lt
kind of reliable fire-fighting equipment.
Operating conditions:
1.Sea dial height: <2500rice
2.Ambient temperature: -25~55-C
3.Relative humidity of the air: 9~959
4.Earthquake intensity: 7degree
Mialn features of clese
3Ut009t0n contro ce nInet.
i.Automatic start, the dlese water pump unit receives a tire alarPipe network
pressurerPower outade'or after
other start sionals,in1scan be automatically started
and put into ful load operation within seconds: 2.Automatic charging:
battemv can
be automatically charged by the
MAlNs or cese enoine charol
the smooth start of the unit; poowerDiesel engine fire pump3.Automatic alarm: automatic alarm protection for
such as low oil pressure and high
n water
temperature of diesel engines, alarm and stop when speeding; diesel engine fire pump4.Automatic preheating: keep the diese
engine in the standby state ofthe hot engine to ensure emergency work; s.Direct connection: 30kwThe folowing dieselwater pump units adopt the first domestic direc
engine and the water pump through an elastic coupling, which reduces the point of failure and greatly shortens the starting time
connection technoloov between the clese
of the unt increaing the relabty and emergency perormance of the unt: diesel enoline tre pump6.Users can aso reouest to set other alamm outputs inon-standar
7 witn telemetrv.
remote control functions (non-standard supply, standard supply scope broadcast and editl) Fuly automatic diesel water pumi
unit: diesel engine, water pump.
tan,coolna water tank stee structure oase
(Water heater), Battery and connecting wire, exhaust muffler, expansion joint
the inspection report of the type inspection or commissioned inspection issued by the national fire-fighting Equipment Qualit
automatic control screen.2)lt can
Superision and inspection Center3) lt can be designed as a composite model of pump set, botom fuel tank automatic control scren, and battery pack4jit can be
designed as a composite outdoor type of pump set, bottom fuel tank, automatic control screen, battery pack
and rainproof box (pay attention to frostbite in northern
winter,. Outdoor diesel engine fire pump selection scope of supply: 1)300L-1000LDaily fuel tank or bottom fuel tank2) linkage
control screen between diesel water pump
unit and electric water pump unit3) Electric water pump unit, pressure regulating pump unit, pressure regulating tank, eto